Sunday, November 10, 2013


   we use the word jealous as punchlines here in the south, i know i do, but nothing prepared me for a message in my facebook inbox this morning. I was called crazy for saying we didn't have Native channels and 3 was named. well one is in Canada , one only shown in casinos and some reservations in the western states and one not even a TV station.
    Maybe i didn't make it clear what i'm after, when i say Cable & Satellite i mean every one in the USA and beyond that has cable and satellite , i'm talking about a major Native Network than can be seen by all. Then this person precedes to tell me they had the same idea i had years ago , just didn't do anything with it . well, then i say shut the hell up !
    Last month i talked to a Native Actor on a radio show, could have asked him any question i wanted to ask , i asked why don't we have a Native Channel and who to we Kick it with or kidnap to make it happen, he jokingly replied by saying "me" , but said it had been a dream of his own to see a Native & cultural channel . well someone from a satellite network channel found a way to contact me , we talked  and this blog and petition was born.
     I assume the person that left me this ugly message is jealous since they had the petition idea way before i did . I was told i was making a fool of myself and was embarrassing the Native people. Well , a lot of natives are onboard with me , some have signed the petition themselves and forwarded it to their friends.
    All i can say is if you don't support a native channel then just don't sign the petition , stay off of the blog and go on your merry little way, because us supporters are here to stay. I have my backers within the business , i will not be intimidated , again i say I'm Southern , i don't give up or shut up.

   Thanks Guys !


  1. Great Jo ! Standing strong and don't give up ! TTYL💕

  2. You are trying to launch a network for cable and satellite providers, not a local broadcast channel. There is a difference between local channels and a national network. I understand what you are trying to do. I hope others do to and lend you their support.

  3. I stand corrected Avalon. I just wasn't thinking clearly , may have to do some editing !
    Nice looking out. Thank you for your support


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